In South Carolina in 1860 there were 482 farms See other South Carolina Historic Houses. It For example, the number of enslaved people enumerated under a slave owner could indicate whether or not the slave owner had a plantation, and if so, what size it was. His mother who died more than 50 years ago was a slave on a plantation near Bowman. was obtained from the Historical United States Census Data Browser, which is a very detailed, searchable and highly Look for his articles all during this month on The Times and Democrats special Black History Month pages on Tuesdays and Fridays. PLANTATION NAMES. And two others, 69 slaves, page 440, RUMPH, Margaret and two others, 63 slaves, page 441, GAUCK, Morgan, Agt., 39 slaves, page 451B, LIVINGSTON, Elizabeth, 39 slaves, page 467B. Plantation names were not shown on the census. WebDuring the 1850 and 1860 United States Federal Censuses, enslaved individuals were recorded separately in what were called slave schedules. In 1811 some 500 slaves, led by a mixed-race slave driver named Charles Deslondes, marched through Louisiana in military formation before federal troops captured them. At the end of the Civil War, the blacks withdrew and formed Trinity Methodist. Loretto Dennis Szucs and Sandra Hargreaves Luebking (Salt Lake City: Ancestry, 1997). Rates were $1.00 a night to sleep and 35 cents for a meal (, 1973 Frederick Connor Dantzler's daughter, Doris Dantzler Henry, inherited the property when her father died (, 1989 Doris Dantzler Henry died and left the home to her husband Tom Henry (, 2007 Michael and Doris "Deedee" Dantzler Henry Kullenberg were owners of Dantzler Plantation. through Heritage Quest at . significant increases in colored population during that time, and were therefore more likely possible places of relocation for The main block of the house is unique for its remarkable depth (triple pile) in comparison to its width (only five bays wide). The information on surname matches of 1870 African Americans and 1860 slaveholders is intended merely to provide data The idea that that would have nothing to do with what the contemporary landscape of inequality looks like today is morally and intellectually disingenuous. I dont operate under any pretense of objectivity. Founding Father Thomas Jefferson, third president of the US, whose legacy is complicated by his ownership of hundreds of slaves. slaveholder. An It features a front portico. If we did come to terms with the impact of slavery, how do you think this country would be different? purposes. No new records were added. n Slave ownership in the south was Joseph Pendarvis 41, George Robison 56, Elijah Wasden 71 and John Smith 75 slaves. The page numbers used are the rubber stamped numbers in the upper right corner In The Source: A Guidebook of American Genealogy, ed. It is possible to locate a free person on the Orangeburg Your email address will not be published. Slaves were Corporate Information | Privacy | Terms and Conditions | CCPA Notice at Collection. The blues and jazz and hip-hop, and the visual arts of the Harlem Renaissance, and literature from people like Frederick Douglass and Zora Neale Hurston to Alice Walker, those are shaped by a legacy of trauma. We see this most famously through Thomas Jefferson. John Salley had a faithful slave to stand sentinel under his window while he slept to warn him when the Tories were approaching. the source or at the time of the source, with African American being used otherwise. They were, in effect, selling their own children off into slavery. WebThis memorial by Woodrow Nash at the Whitney Plantation commemorates an 1811 slave uprising after which its leaders were beheaded. n In the South fork, 259 of the 1,078 whites owned slaves. From the moment Black folks arrives on these shores, they were fighting for liberation, Smith says. CNN talked to Smith recently about his book and how slavery still informs todays America. Smith also visits such landmarks as Thomas Jeffersons Monticello plantation in Virginia and Goree Island in Senegal, a notorious slave-trading center. n The South fork of the Edisto included 5,681 whites and 1,402 slaves. According to The Historical Encyclopedia of World Slavery, in the section "Judaism in the Antebellum South" which begins at page 384:. 2. Please don't show this again. In any event, the slave schedules almost never conclusively connect a specific enslaved individual with a particular slave owner. Unfortunately, the film viewed by the transcriber had some faded ink and focus problems. It becomes this exercise in moral relativity where Jefferson can write in one document that all men are created equal and write in another that Black people are likely inferior to Whites in both body and mind where he can write one of the most important documents in the history of the Western world and also enslave over 600 people, his own children. It features a front portico. And instead, we would say, Oh, its very clear that this is the natural result of what was done to a group of people over generations in ways which we have not made amends for.. He takes readers to places such as modern-day New York City on Wall Street, where the countrys second-largest slave market once stood on Wall Street, to show how the story of slavery is still being debated, distorted and denied. That had an impact not only on the Southern economy but the Northern economy. Published information giving names of slaveholders and numbers of slaves held in Orangeburg County, South n In 1790, 746 whites had slaves working their fields. If the surname is found, they can then view the The full text of the nomination and additional photos are available at the SCDAH. America has a lot of accounting to do for what it has done to different groups of people. This database provides details about those persons, including age, sex, and color, but unfortunately, most schedules omit personal names. WebDantzler Plantation, also known as Crutchfield House, was built in 1850 and is the oldest residence standing within the town limits of St. Matthews. This database provides details about those persons, including age, sex, and color, but unfortunately, most schedules omit personal names. The rest of the slaves in the County were held by a total As a member of the South Carolina Senate in Webn In 1850, William Keitt owned 123 slaves, David McCord 138, Charles Thompson 259, Jacob Dantzler 161 and John Felder 285. n In 1860, slaves belonging to Rose Benjamin He opened their eyes a couple of weeks ago to the map data [], Latitude: 33.6706031 Longitude: -80.8043263. During the 1850 and 1860 United States Federal Censuses, enslaved individuals were recorded separately in what were called slave schedules. Though the census schedules speak in terms of "slave owners", the transcriber has chosen to use the G., 41 slaves, page 438, MOORER, J. T.? One of the most telling examples of the relationship between slavery and the economy is that in 1860, four million Black people were enslaved. You are the visitor to this page. of every set of two pages, with the previous stamped number and a "B" being used to designate the pages without a stamped Following the holder list is a separate list of the surnames of At that time, the spelling of this area was Orangeburgh.. all. may have been using the surname of their 1860 slaveholder at the time of the 1870 census and they may have still been living You say in your book that they built their own culture, which in turn shaped American culture. Along the way he speaks with tour guides, descendants of slaves, tourists and even members of a neo-Confederate group who tell him that slavery wasnt the main cause of the Civil War. The first workers used on the island plantations were North African Muslims and the local Guanches. (Photo by The Print Collector/Print Collector/Getty Images), Author Clint Smith: "America has a lot of accounting to do for what it has done to different groups of people.". The term "County" is used to describe the main subdivisions of the State by which the census was enumerated. of large farms must have resulted in lots of duplication of plantation names. Smith explores slaverys impact on the present as much as on the past. To see this page as it is meant to appear, please enable your Javascript! noted however, that in comparing census data for 1870 and 1960, the transcriber did not take into consideration any relevant their ancestor was one of the larger slaveholders in the County. 41,181 "Negroes"was about two and a half times what the colored population had been 100 years before.) When people talk about what makes America exceptional, what made us so economically powerful, they often talk about American ingenuity, can-do spirit, and people like John D. Rockefeller. The idea that an institution that existed for 250 years and has only not existed for a little over 150 years. Researchers seeking information about slave owners may find slave schedules useful because of the specific information they provide about slave owners holdings. MIGRATION OF FORMER SLAVES: According to U.S. Census data, the 1860 Orangeburg County population n In 1860, there were 1,069 slave owners; 33 of them owned more than 100 slaves. All Rights Reserved. Descriptions of their circumstances would vary from plantation to plantation and owner to owner. (As a side note, by 1960, 100 years The official enumeration day of the 1850 census was June 1, 1850. By the 1830s, southerners were convinced that slavery was a positive good and should be defended at all costs. The scene is one of many searing moments Smith captures in his New York Times bestseller, How the Word is Passed: A Reckoning with the History of Slavery Across America.. The census shows no subdivisions within the County. addressed in this transcription. Sorry, you have Javascript Disabled! 25,000 (127%); and Kansas up from 265 to 17,000 (6,400%). Part of reparations is not only the reallocation of monetary or material resources, it is also the recalibration of our collective memory to truly understand what happened here. WebIn 1911, the Dantzler's began construction of a paper mill in Moss Point to make use of waste slabs from their sawmills. We cannot disentangle our rise to global economic superiority from the fact that millions of people worked for free for more than two centuries. surname. WebThe Dantzler Plantation House is significant as an outstanding local example of mid-nineteenth-century Greek Revival architecture with various later alterations and additions Updates: 1846-50 near the intersection of present-day Vance Road and Bass Drive in the rural Dantzler community near Holly Hill, in rural Orangeburg County, South Carolina, is a porticoed, two-story Greek Revival raised cottage of frame construction, set on a partially enclosed, brick pier foundation can be viewed to see if there were smaller slaveholders with that surname. WebThough a planter by profession in the Orangeburg district, Olin Dantzler served his state and country both politically and militarily. Crews remove a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee on September 8, 2021, on Monument Avenue in Richmond, Virginia. The following are varying descriptions of slave life events and some statistics in Orangeburg County: n In 1751, a gang of Indians that was going around killing horses and cattle abducted a slave boy from the house of John Geiger and threatened to kill his family. The property includes a contributing oak allee and an entry gate. The scene is one of many searing Boone Hall Plantation in Charleston, S.C. (iStock) Article. of 1,000 acres or more, the largest size category enumerated in the census, and another 1,359 farms of 500-999 acres. for consideration by those seeking to make connections between slaveholders and former slaves. The site is now a museum. Its why in 1861, on the eve of the Civil War, the mayor of New York City would propose that New York City secede from the Union alongside the Southern states because the economic and political infrastructure of New York City was deeply invested in slavery. I remember learning about slavery and being made to feel that it was something that happened in the Jurassic period like it was the dinosaurs, The Flintstones and slavery. The property is also noteworthy for its association with the Dantzler family, one of the most prominent families of Orangeburg County from the eighteenth century to the present, and it remains in family hands. How do you respond to people who say, Why should I care about slavery? 1860 and 1870, the South Carolina colored population only increased by 4,000, to 416,000, a 1% increase. n In 1826, Orangeburgh churches had 750 white and 450 black communicants in the county. FORMER SLAVES. She was the daughter of an enslaved person not the granddaughter or the great-granddaughter. n In 1863, the state passed an act to organize and supply Negroes for the coast defense. microfilm for the details listed regarding the sex, age and color of the slaves. Additional slave schedule fields that are not indexed include: Sometimes the listings of enslaved persons on large estates or plantations appear to take the form of family groupings, but in most cases enslaved individuals are listed from oldest to youngest with no evident attempt to account for family structure or units. Enslaved laborers hand-hewed the sills and studs of the house from local oaks and made bricks for the fireplaces. Slave Schedules were population schedules used in two U.S. Federal Censuses: The 1850 U.S. Federal Census and the 1860 U.S. Federal Census. County, South Carolina census for 1860 and not know whether that person was also listed as a slaveholder on the slave With this in mind, one can safely conclude that blacks caring the above surnames are possibly connected. A portrait of Civil War-era fugitive slaves who were emancipated upon reaching the North in the mid-1860s. checked also. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. making this transcription, except for 100 year old female Lizzie, held by S. H. Legare on page 478B. Hope demands active and proactive work. Blood stains on the upstairs pine floors from this period remain to this day . slaveholder in each County. His secret for long life is simple clean living and no Liker.. Although the inhabitants of Orangeburg landed near what was known as Lyon Creek in 1704, the city area did not truly take shape until 1735. enumerated in 1860 without giving their names, only their sex and age and indication of any handicaps, such as deaf or blind They were intergenerational sites of torture and exploitation. Re: Orangeburg Dantzler Slave Descendants. You have permission to edit this article. Are you okay with people using the word plantation, or would you prefer another term? During the 1860 United States Federal Census, enslaved individuals were recorded separately in what were called slave schedules. 2755 Vance Road at Bass Drive - at the corner of US 15 and SC 210. n On Nov. 20, 1954, The T&D reported Negro Man Reaches 100 on Clean Living And No Liker Although there seems to be some mix up as to his exact birthday, Uncle Jim Jamison, Orangeburg Negro lay claim to being the oldest living Orangeburg County resident. Where did the freed slaves go? The Kullenbergs lovingly restored the house (, Number of acres 703 in 1846; 24.5 in 2007 (. Why are you trying to make me feel guilty for something I didnt do?. [2][3], It was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 2007.[1]. n The North fork of the Edisto included 6,731 whites and 4,529 slaves. in the same State or County. 1860 should be checked, as almost 11% of African Americans were enumerated as free in 1860, with about half of those n Slave ownership in the north was William Bull 92, Alexander Gillon 106, Samuel Gourdin 126 and William Thomson 154. n In 1822, six whites and six slaves were expelled from the Methodist church. The planter aristocracy enlisted the support of nonslave-holding S., 169 slaves, page 395, DANTZLER, Huddleston, 51 slaves, page 406B, WANNAMAKER, Jacob. Some of the prominent family names were Russell, Thomson, McCord, Rump, Shuler, Zimmerman, Rickenbacker, Amaker, Keller, Zeigler, Staley Heatly, Hart, Darby and Hayne. Bethany Pace kneels at the simple stone monuments that mark the graves of slaves that were her kin, in Sweet Briar, Virginia, in 2015. Capital and resources were what allowed the slaveocracy of the South to continue to flourish. Excluding slaves, the 1860 U.S. population was 27,167,529, with about 1 in 70 being a You can cancel at any time. Please don't show this again. Out of this racism, out of this experience of being inundated with White supremacist violence, Black people were able to create something that would go on to define and create music and art and language and literature that would shape how America exists and understand itself. _uacct = "UA-1070054-1"; The increasing costs associated with hosting, development and maintenance of the site are covered by a few passionate individuals. Black people have taken that trauma and regularly turned it into art. It features a front portico. Please consider how you can help us continue our mission to preserve recollections, images and historical data across South Carolina and beyond. But early on they chose a different path, This traffic stop between a Black man and a White state trooper began with fear. WebThe house at Dantzler Plantation, constructed ca. Your email address will not be published. Any information is appreciated. The 1850 slave schedule was used in the following states: Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, New Jersey, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia. This database provides details microfilm can be viewed to find out whether the ancestor was a holder of a fewer number of slaves or not a slaveholder at researchers should view the source film personally to verify or modify the information in this transcription for their own Professional genealogist offers advice on tracing African-American roots, Needles and Threads: Piecing Together African American Families, Finding a Name: Why Probate Records are a Gold Mine for African Americans, Do not sell or share my personal information, Fugitive from the State (meaning they were a freedom seeker). WebDantzler Plantation, also known as Four Hole Plantation House or SunnySide House, is a historic plantation house located near Holly Hill, Orangeburg County, South Carolina. WebNo. Part of what is important is understanding how this story we tell ourselves wasnt that long ago at all. From 1670 until 1865, the majority of blacks living in Orangeburg County were enslaved. The Dantzler Plantation House is significant as an outstanding local example of mid-nineteenth-century Greek Revival architecture with various later alterations and additions designed to emulate this Greek Revival style, as well as for its significant and intriguing interior modifications that reflect the changing fortunes of its owners and the various uses of plantation architecture throughout the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. n In 1866, Sarah Patterson, a former slave, joined the Presbyterian Church as a free woman. Although the Emancipation Proclamation started in 1863, slave life continued its path in Orangeburg until the end of the Civil War in 1865. For the most part, North Carolina slaves resisted the power of their masters by individual and collective actions that made their Census data for 1860 Racially related terms such as African American, black, mulatto and colored are used as in I'm Jacqueline Dantzler Liddy, born in Sumter, SC. The process of publication of slaveholder names beginning with larger slaveholders will enable naming of the holders U.S. It was built about 18461850, and is a two-story, frame raised cottage in the Greek Revival style. n In 1850, William Keitt owned 123 slaves, David McCord 138, Charles Thompson 259, Jacob Dantzler 161 and John Felder 285. n In 1860, slaves belonging to Rose Benjamin were baptized. Dr. Dantzler was also known to treat both Confederate and Union soliders during the war. Until the end of the state by which the census was enumerated should... Details listed regarding the sex, age and color, but unfortunately, most omit., sex, and another 1,359 farms of 500-999 acres to describe the main subdivisions of Edisto! Register of Historic Places in 2007 ( appear, please enable Your!... Island plantations were North African Muslims and the local Guanches [ 2 ] [ ]. Groups of dantzler plantation slaves in Moss Point to make use of waste slabs from their sawmills do? help US our! 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