Caused by: Not gathering enough nutritious food to eat before checking out the map. If Sean got Nicholas suspicious by leaving too many/severe traces, Karen's help will turn futile as Nicholas will quickly find Sean in his hiding spot. Sean has the additional choice to slightly comfort Daniel. Depending on the toys from Episode 1 or 2, Chad will break the Chibi Power Bear or the drawing tablet. Sean can't tell Charles that Chris "gave [him] some tips" when he was drawing. When Daniel lashes out at the motel, he won't be as angry if Sean says the shooting was an accident and he was scared. Later, the bruises will be visible when Sean takes a shower in the motel. The car swerves sideways to avoid him but fails, striking him on the side. Press any button. Caused by: Sean choosing to cross the border and Daniel having Low Morality during the game's finale. Cassidy will ask Sean if he has a crush on her. After that, the boys will enter the house. The police can mention finding them because of a report that his social media account was accessed at the residence. Sean will see Finn laying asleep in the hospital room but leave without waking him. If Sean fails, he will not be able to try again. If Daniel doesn't wait for Sean, Sean can call him then he'll wait and talk. -, Daniel was too upset to enjoy his presents. Regardless of their purpose, readers have to be able to read accurately and. Daniel's drawing will appear in Sean's inventory without an explanation. Sean will have the opportunity to confront Charles about his behavior by saying "Chris talked to me" in Charles' truck. Depending on whether Sean told Daniel to tell Chris the truth, Daniel can blame either himself or Sean for the accident. He may not feel sorry about breaking the door to Karen's room. Sean can find the wristband from Finn in Daniel's room, while exploring Lisbeth's house, and comment how Finn was Daniel's real friend after all. Sean will not be able to talk to Charles about his drinking problem. Providing a specific example to illustrate an abstract concept. In Episode 2, Sean has to tell Daniel Mushroom is in heaven with Esteban, then agree to pray with Claire and Daniel. Sean adds some water to the container in the cabin bathroom. This makes it impossible to kiss Cassidy. Whatever your choice is, grandpa offers to keep this conversation between you and him. Claire is initially shocked, then angry with Sean and Daniel for breaking the door. The Committee considered advice from the Examiner of Statutory Rules. If Sean replies he does not have faith, Lisbeth will say Daniel told her so. The following article features the statistics and consequences of choices from Episode 2: Rules. Daniel and Sean are forced to flee while the cop gets out of the car to deal with Chris. Sean doesnt forgive Karen and tells her off. In the hospital, Sean will look at his tattoo after reading Cassidy's mail. Daniel will note that he's better at skipping stones on his own now. Daniel's preferred order of the pieces is: Daniel will note it's not what he wanted, but he's not bothered either. If Daniel used his powers to stop the police car, Chris will look disappointed and Daniel will feel bad for lying to him. Sean can start an optional drawing and Daniel will ask to draw him as a superhero. Daniel didn't take out his anger on the photo of the family. - 30%, You used Stephen's laptop to log in to your profile. Sean and Daniel are not able to bury Mushroom's body, but they will still make her a grave. Sean will tell her that his wound hurts before going inside. Sean is more melancholic when he looks at the claw marks by the lake, reflecting on how Daniel's no longer afraid of wild animals. Daniel will clean using his powers, and Sean can ask him to stop or allow him to continue. Sean catches Daniel and Chris in the living room, playing with toys using the power. If Sean is successful, this will contribute to the amount of nutritious food the brothers will eat at the end of the scene. Daniel will lament about Sean not being able to get food. Max. Daniel obeys Sean and watches as Merrill kills Finn. Choose to protect Daniel's secret instead of being honest with Chris. Select Library. Blacks could not vote or serve on juries. If Sean is not intoxicated at the campfire he will have the option to tell the group about how they killed the cougar, Finn appears to slightly disapprove of the action but this doesn't affect your relationship with him in the long run. Claire is angry with Sean and Daniel for searching through hers and Stephen's belongings. If Lyla wasn't called in Episode 1 and Sean was honest with her mom, she will post a photo of her with Daniel, saying she's thinking of him. The brothers retain their. Sean will see Finn laying asleep in the hospital room and wake him up. When these events are triggered, a wolf icon will be shown indicating that the player has made a meaningful choice, but they will seem to have no meaningful consequences or be tracked on the statistics screen at the end of the episode. He ends up violently knocking out Officer Campbell against the wall, which partially shatters, then throws his unconscious body to the side without remorse. Sean can put towels in the bathroom for Daniel. Since Daniel never got the raccoon sweater, the lime green shirt will be inside Daniel's closet in Lisbeth's house. Daniel ends the game with High Morality, meaning that: He prefers to surrender at the border and go back to society. Sean doesn't have a gun to use during the confrontation. Contributes 1 point per action to whether Daniel will steal from Brody later in the episode (3 or more points required). : He's most likely to deface a family picture on the fridge in the Abandoned Cabin. This choice confirms Sean not having faith for the time being. Daniel will wear the raccoon sweater that Sean stole. At the outset, brothers Sean and Daniel are forced into a life on the road after their father is killed and they're blamed. Sean can promise Daniel to get a Chock-O-Crisp for him later. Sean will have a different hairstyle for the rest of the episode. Caused by: Agreeing to the heist but getting spotted at any point (alerting Big Joe, failing to disable the CCTV cameras in time, breaking the living room door open). If Daniel told Chris the truth, Chris will help the brothers run away and give Daniel his cape. Life Is Strange 2 takes place in the same universe as the previous games Life Is Strange (2015) and Life Is Strange: Before the Storm (2017). Sean asks Daniel to throw the locker at the officers and the latter listens. The comment will be different, depending on whether Sean attacked Hank or not. If Sean took it from Lisbeth's house, the lime green shirt can be seen inside Karen's trailer, hung on a wardrobe handle. Daniel will swear more during the episode, e.g. Daniel and Sean are forced to flee while the cop gets out of the car to deal with Chris. The Power Bear toy will be absent from the motel room. Without the impact of any danger to Chris, Daniel's only lament is Chris' sadness after finding out he doesn't have the power. For example, they will say "Heaven is not real", instead of "Heaven is bullshit". Jacob and Pharaoh. Joseph's political Economy. Daniel keeps his power a secret from Claire and Stephen. Sean is more melancholic when he looks at the claw marks by the lake, reflecting on how Daniel's no longer afraid of wild animals. Sean says it's not the time and he's not in the mood, or completely ignores Daniel's request to play. Sean tries to steal the camping gear and a raccoon hoodie while Hank is lying on the floor, seemingly unconscious. After Jacob explains how he lost his faith, Daniel will say he doesn't believe in that kind of thing. All Reviews: Mostly Positive (255) Release Date: Jan 24, 2019. Sean will be exhausted, sunburnt and hungry on his arrival at Haven Point, wishing he went in the truck instead of walking. (This choice is available only if Chris gets hit by the police car, which itself is already a major contribution to damaging Sean and Daniel's Brotherhood. If Daniel shares a bad memory at the campfire, he sadly remarks he's not Chris' friend anymore because he lied to him. Daniel lashes out with his power at Sean. (5) 2023-03-01. Sean agrees but advises Daniel to always look for other ways of helping the situation, before using the power. Agent Flores will show Sean a photo of Finn's body inside Merrill's house. If Daniel notices that, he'll get irritated that Sean's cheating and start over. This will guarantee Daniel steals a toy from Brody (This statistically contributes 3 points necessary for Daniel to steal) regardless of your past choices that contribute towards it. Daniel will enjoy his Christmas present(s). Caused by: Sean telling Daniel there are "things with claws" in the woods when discussing the wildlife poster, and/or Sean saying that there are werewolves when asked before bed. The grandparents advise Sean to watch out for Daniel, before the brothers run away. Sean asks Daniel to lower the TV volume at the motel, to which Daniel complies. Stealing an item without getting Daniel involved is impossible for Sean, because of Doris watching him on the alert. Several people who Sean doesn't know have written threatening comments and hate speech on his wall. If Sean calls Lyla, she will answer the phone and confess to taking sleeping pills to deal with the stress. Caused by: Sean finding Daniel in the bathroom and Daniel having High Morality. If Sean sees the Bible at the motel, he believes he should finish reading it someday. Caused by: Sean asking Daniel to kill the officers and Daniel having Low Morality or High Morality and High Brotherhood. You can also use the sink to clean up before going down. Daniel will not enjoy his Christmas present(s). Daniel tries to help Sean free but Hank knocks Daniel to the ground. Contributes 1 point per item to whether Daniel will steal from Brody (3 or more required). Slightly contributes to getting closer to Karen. If it is not already running, launch the Steam application. Since Chris' costume has red elements, Daniel's "wild animal" makeup is done using red dye to match the appearance code. While you are in the bathroom, take the "Dirty Linen" out of the laundry basket. When the Sheriff arrives at the door, he will claim that a call was made to her from the house. Both options will affect Daniel. Finn will not be at the Sacred Hope hospital at the beginning of the episode. - 11%, You prayed together with Claire and Daniel. When Claire leaves to run errands, she will recognize Sean has done chores and say he's free to keep tidying up. Daniel eventually closes himself in the bathroom with Mushroom and washes up. Sean dismisses the plan, saying it could be too dangerous. He jumps out of the car after being forced to destroy the station and gets to live with Claire and Stephen, at the same time being monitored. He gets out of the car to properly get rid of the blockade and grows up with Sean in Puerto Lobos, using the power to protect them both. Sean will tell Jacob that his sister will receive better medical care in a hospital. If Big Joe was alerted and had a working vehicle, he will bring Cassidy back into Merrill's house, where she will be injured in the final confrontation with Merrill. Slightly contributes to getting closer to Finn. Cassidy tattoos several cannabis plants on Sean's arm. Chris will try to use his "powers" to stop a police car from pursuing Sean and Daniel. If Sean is not able to talk with Lyla and lies to her mom, Lyla's Facebook page will be supportive about mental health. Daniel won't tell Chris he has a chibi Power Bear. This guarantees to increase the likelihood that Sean will refer to Doris as "okay, almost nice" in his sketchbook. Sean encourages Daniel to keep studying, to which he reluctantly complies. Daniel can ask Claire about her deceased dog and have a conversation about how she can still be with them if she's dead. Both Sean and Daniel have education events that affect them alone. - 19%, Daniel won the dice game without cheating. Cassidy will be injured in the final confrontation with Merrill by Daniel's power. Sean picked up a guitar pick Cassidy left at the Christmas Market in Episode 2. Citing the evidence of historical scholarship. Life is Strange 2 -- Episode 5 Dylan Burns. Don't intervene when Daniel tries to kill the cougar. Claire will leave a note saying she tidied the room if Sean didn't do it himself, or a thank you note if he did. In Lisbeth's house, Sean can take the raccoon sweater from the closet in Daniel's bedroom. Daniel interrupts Sean's story, asking if he can contribute something to it. Caused by: Daniel having High Morality, eventually High Morality and Low Brotherhood. If Sean and Daniel are on relatively good terms, Daniel will talk with Sean and mention how he wishes they could send Chris something. Sean ambushes the guard and knocks him out. If Sean surrenders at the border and Daniel refuses, he will pause, then promise Sean that everything will be all right, before ramming ahead. Caused by: Sean cutting the conversation short or being hard on Karen. Caused by: Sean never showing Daniel the trail blazes. Next Episode 2 . If Lyla is called in Episode 2 as well, she will post a photo of her with Sean, saying she's thinking of him. Daniel doesn't feel remorse about what he did. Claire will note that the police accused Sean and Daniel of assault and robbery in addition to murder. Life is Strange 2 Episode 2: Rules - Not As I Do Xbox One, PS4, PC After completing Life is Strange 2 Episode 1: Roads, I was extremely optimistic about the direction developer DONTNOD were taking. After Daniel accidentally cuts himself with scissors, Sean can yell at Daniel to focus. Project Gutenberg Australia For the Term of His Natural Life by Marcus Clarke DEDICATION TO SIR CHARLES GAVAN DUFFY My Dear Sir Charles, I take leave to dedicate this work to you, To get this outcome, get all the heroes and villains correct, but do not ask for details about Chris's dad. Concede to Daniel when he saves Chris at the treehouse. Sean and Daniel escape the station without stealing supplies and harming Hank. It is revealed that Stephen has underwent surgery. Doris will become hostile after Sean steals an item. or "Fuck Puerto Lobos!". Summary: The two brothers continue their journey into the winter months & struggle against the cold. Daniel's mood will remain unaffected and he won't get fed up as quickly at the riverside, if Sean decides to bully him. Scaring Daniel with talking about fangs and claws, Scaring Daniel with telling him about werewolves. Sean is then knocked unconscious by Hank while Daniel manages to get up and run away. If Sean called Lyla in Episode 1, she will answer the phone, upset at him for hanging up on her, revealing that the police confronted her about the call and that she had to lie to them. While Joey cleans up Sean's eye, Sean has to respond. The police can mention finding them because of a report that his social media account was accessed at the residence. If the price for Sean's articles is slightly too big for him to afford, Doris will let Sean buy all the things anyway, warmly stating it's not much and the brothers look like they could use a break. Daniel will throw the police car out of Chris' path. help listeners to realize that they troubles are not unique. Eventually, he might sound more confident if his power encouragement is somewhere in the middle. Caused by: Completely denying the heist or agreeing at the last second after alerting Big Joe. Caused by: Daniel having High Morality and High Brotherhood. Cassidy will be more confident while talking to Merrill and Big Joe. Sean reassures Daniel it will only end with a headache. Finn will try to give Sean some advice on how to aim better. Sean and Daniel get to avoid any kind of separation or Sean ends up dying. Caused by: Asking Daniel to stop swearing when he is packing his bag in the cabin. Upon leaving the house, Jacob will comment that Karen is hardcore. Lisbeth will use the heist while arguing with Sean to accuse him of being "sinful". -, You refused to pray with Claire and Daniel. Sean is uncertain about Karen's advice since he remembered how Esteban raised him and Daniel. (This choice is available only if Chris gets hit by the police car, which itself is already a major contribution to damaging Sean and Daniel's Brotherhood. Daniel ends the game with Low Morality, meaning that: He prefers to cross to Mexico and keep surviving with Sean. Shame the fanbase completely fucking sidelined it. This choice confirms Sean's faith for the time being. Agent Flores will have Big Joe's mugshot in her case files. In a rush of emotions, Daniel throws Sean and Finn (and in some scenarios Cassidy) away from him and destroys the room. Sean sided with Cassidy while trimming weed. Sean tells Daniel that, after all they did, they sort of are criminals. While Joey cleans up Sean 's faith for the time being lament about Sean not having faith the... Chris he has a Chibi power Bear or the drawing tablet log in to your profile told. Room and wake him up by: completely denying the heist while with. Gave [ him ] some tips '' when he was drawing raccoon hoodie while Hank lying! 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