Being very shy, they will hide if confronted by humans. Managing the populations of rodents that transport disease-carrying ticks. These popular pets are, unfortunately, sometimes found in metro areas of Arizona. Kingsnakes are believed to be immune, or at least extremely tolerant, to rattlesnake venom. Arizona has quite a lot of venomous species compared to some of the other states. Shovel-Nosed Snakes are pretty, small snakes that live throughout the sandy areas of western Arizona. The upper body is slate-grey or even steel blue in appearance, sometimes with a yellow or cream colored ring just behind the head. Most often found near apartment/condo complexes, these snakes often escape or are released intentionally by pet owners who lose interest. There are no aquatic snakes in Arizona. They are usually anywhere from three to five feet long and prefer arid desert habitats. They are long and slender in comparison with, as the name suggests, a flat, slightly up-turned nose that is used to move through sand. They have large, round eyes that angle forward through indentations in the face, and can appear to be looking forward. Like other rattlesnakes, the Hopi Rattlesnake has a keratin rattle at the end of its tail, and each time the snake sheds its skin, a new segment is added to the rattle. From proper husbandry and habitat guidance, to articles on health concerns, diet, and extensive care guides, Reptile Guide is here to educate everyone on all things reptiles. They can be found in neighborhoods, as well as in the desert. They are long and slender in comparison with, as the name suggests, a flat, slightly up-turned nose that is used to move through sand. These snakes live in the desert southwest regions of Arizona, New Mexico, and Mexico. Do Ferrets Need Vaccination Shots? Speaking of blackhead snakes, check out the largest blackhead snake ever found. As adults, they are less than a foot long. Defensive if attacked, but non-venomous and will not bite unless attacked. Lets take a look. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. It is pale brown, bordered on each side with several dark stripes. The Speckled Rattlesnakes is highly variable in color, from a white/grey in the South Mountain and White Tanks areas, brown in North Phoenix, and orange and red going North into Cave Creek and the Anthem areas. The Desert Massasauga is protected in Arizona from all forms of collection and harrassment, though habitat-conservation is likely the only means of saving this species in our state. As its name implies, this snake has a black cap on top of its head with a cream colored collar. . Attractivecontrasting banding of black and white or yellow and white encompasses their entire body. Like the Common King snake, they too are immune to Rattlesnake venom and like to make meals of them. They also have dark brown V-shaped markings on their heads. They are powerful constrictors and primarily feed on mice and other rodents. As babies, they are very small, only around 3" long, and may resemble a Blackheaded Snake until their mature coloration develops. It is found in areas of mixed desert scrub and uses its snout to burrow in search of lizards and their eggs. They're capable of getting above 3 feet long, but most are half that size. It can also be found in rocky canyons, riparian areas, and transitional grasslands adjacent to heavily forrested areas. Fortunately, these snakes have a set of characteristics that make them easy to spot. Their diet includes frogs, toads, tadpoles, lizards, and fish. Also often called a "red racer", Coachwhips are long, thin snakes that can reach lengths of up to around 5. This species diet consists of birds, frogs, toads, eggs, and lizards. The King snakes preferred habitats are deserts, woodlands, and abandoned farms. You can also simply back away and leave. You can find blackneck garter snakes in central and southeastern Arizona, typically near some type of water source. The desert kingsnake is a large black snake with yellow crossbands or spreckles. Also, not all snakes use it. In many US states a closely related species, the Pygmy Rattlesnake, is well-known. They're very small snakes, reaching an adult size of only around 2 feet. Most of the non-venomous snakes in Arizona fit comfortably into one of a few main groups. This inconspicuous looking snake is usually an olive green to bluish-gray snake with a yellow or orange neckband. Diet: Rodents, baby rabbits, birds, lizards, Long-nosed Snake (Rhinocheilus lecontei) The color and pattern of long-nosed snakes vary considerably, but they are usually banded or blotched with red, black, and white. Some Arizona snakes are rarely seen, while others may show up in your backyard! Preferring only to hunt their prey of lizards, small snakes, birds, and eggs. Lets take a look at one or two of them. It lives in Madrean Woodlands and adjacent grassy hillsides. The snake will mostly play dead when surprised by a predator . The majority of poisonous snake bites in the U.S. each year are at the fangs of a rattlesnake. How common are rattlesnake bites in Arizona? Eleven of the reptile species, such as twin-spotted rattlesnakes . This snake species is commonly seen anywhere there is loose soil and rocky terrain. Red next to yellow, kill a fellow. But, what snakes can we go out and see in real life? According to the Arizona Poison and Drug Information Center, less than 1% of rattlesnake bites result in human deaths. The Great Basin Rattlesnake is one of the widest-ranging rattlesnakes in the Western US, being found in AZ, CA, NV, OR, ID, and UT. Coachwhips can help reduce rattlesnakes in an area because they are rattlesnake-eaters. They're long (up to 5' 6' long as adults) and slender and usually disappear quickly into bushes when disturbed. Diet: Centipedes, millipedes, insects, Sonoran Mountain Kingsnake They even regulate their body temperatures by moving up or down in the pile rather than basking in the sun like other snakes. Take that rattle seriously and slowly step back the way you came so that you are not in striking distance of a rattlesnake. Non-venomous snakes have a spoon-shaped rounded head and venomous snakes will have a more triangular head. Technically, these snakes are venomous, but the venom is considered harmless to mammals. Read More Sonora Semiannulata - Western Ground Snake They are primarily snake eaters, but also eat lizards and invertebrates. They're slender, medium-sized snakes that get up to around 3' long. An encounter with one is most often a quick sighting of a snake disappearing into brush, or darting across a dirt road. There are a lot of rattlesnakes in Arizona, in total about 13 different types! That is a good thing. If you live in Arizona you may find a southwestern blackhead snake in your home or you may find a bunch of them in your yard. They're small, usually only around a foot long. They are often misidentifed as Mojave Green rattlesnakes in New Mexico and Northern Arizona. Many other non-venomous species of snake can be found at Stone Canyon as well including the following: Glossy Snake (Arizona Elegans . Next to the Western Diamondback, this may be the most commonly snake seen in Arizona. The Arizona Ridgenosed Rattlesnake is the Arizona state reptile. Scuba Certification; Private Scuba Lessons; Scuba Refresher for Certified Divers; Try Scuba Diving; Enriched Air Diver (Nitrox) True water snakes are a group of non-venomous, aquatic snakes that are adapted to living in or near bodies of water. Some adults can even change their coloring quickly, much like a chameleon! Their coloring is shades of brown or grey with a white-lined diamond pattern on their back. Arkansas Venomous snakes in Arkansas: There are also many slightly-venomous, but not dangerous, colubrids. Diet: Spiders, scorpions, centipedes, crickets, grasshoppers, insect larvae, Western Lyresnake They almost never bite, and if allowed to chew their mild venom into a hand (which is the only way a bite is going to happen), it may result in some temporary local swelling and redness. Sonoran Gophersnake BENEFICIAL - Also commonly misidentified as a "bullsnake". King Cobra vs Cobra: Whats the Difference? Their primary food source is small rats and mice, but theyve been known to eat lizards and amphibians when necessary. Diet: Lizards, small snakes, reptile eggs, nestling birds, small animals, Nightsnake (Hypsiglena torquata) Big Bend Patch-Nosed SnakeSalvadora hexalepis deserticola, Desert Patch-Nosed SnakeSalvadora hexalepis hexalepis, Mohave Patch-Nosed SnakeSalvadora hexalepis mojavensis. That, coupled with the fact there are tons of lizards and insects, makes it the perfect place for snakes. The Arizona Rosy Boa is one of the snakes that pretty much anyone can own without a permit! A coral snake will have yellow bands next to the red bands. It is one of three protected rattlesnake species in the state, due to limited range and collection by poachers. Theyre common in the Camelback Mountain region, South Mountain area, and other parts of the valley adjacent to similar habitat. They are not venomous, but can give a painful bite if they are stressed. 230 helpful votes. So you need to be very careful when youre outdoors in Arizona. They are heavy-bodied snakes, less than 3' in length (usually smaller), with a "chubby" build, rounded tail, and head distinct from the body. This list has information that is from the perspective of every-day homeowners, casual hikers, and regular residents of Arizona. They are completely harmless, and feed on termite larvae. They are opportunistic feeders but well known for eating rattlesnakes. They can be found on the surface in early Spring or late at night during the summer, and are rarely seen in general. Opheodrys aestivus. Some scientists break down Pituophis catenifer into the Sonoran gopher snake, P. c. affinis, and the Great Basin gopher snake, P. c. deserticola. Coachwhips Masticophis flagellum are non-venomous colubrid snakes with smooth, overlapping scales, long (100-150 cm record 259 cm), slender bodies and large eyes which aid in hunting. Their head has a more angular appearance than the similar-looking Coachwhip, with a white jaw and stripe extending through the base of the eye. They grow to a maximum length of two feet and have brightly colored bands of red, black, and cream marking their bodies. They usually grow 3 to 4 feet long but may exceed 6.8 feet. Diet: Ants (including larvae and pupae), termites, and occasionally beetle larvae, 3693 S Old Spanish Trail Typically they are light tan or light brown with a faded blackhead. This small, harmless snake is one of the most rarely-seen species that lives along the highly-urbanized areas of Phoenix and Tucson. They are often found as babies during August and September, having found their way into garages and homes. They are reasonably intelligent, agile snakes, that can climb trees, climb walls, fences, and are found in about any place imaginable. But its the color next to those bands that will tell you if its a milk snake or a coral snake. Species. If captured, the snake will continuously bite until released. They are found in habitats from the Atlantic to Pacific Oceans, and from southern Canada into Mexico. The coachwhip is a long, slender snake. Thats why this desert snake is so at home in Arizona. Adults in Arizona rarely get more than about 10" long. Among the snakes are 13 species of rattlesnakes, which is just over one-third of the world's rattlesnakes, and more than can be found in any other U.S. state. Though they will also be found near swamps, streams, and lakes. The rattlesnakes in Arizona include: Snakes can hide very well in the desert, and much of Arizonas landscape is desert. In Arizona, they are mostly found at higher elevations, between 4500 and 9,000, inhabiting nearly every habitat type within their range. In fact, they are completely harmless, and it would be a challenge to try to get one to try and bite. People often find them in their sheds, garages, and yards. They are completely harmless, and feed on termite larvae. About Us; Staff; Camps; Scuba. Total length: 20 - 46 in (51 - 117 cm) The species has 2 color variations, but in Saguaro National Park they are whitish to reddish-orange in color with 19 to 49 black or brown bands. Maricopa County (the county with more than 4 million of Arizonas citizens) reported 79 rattlesnake bites in 2021. With a writhing, glossy appearance and tendency to be discovered while digging in loose soil, threadsnakes can be easily mistaken for a worm. Their primary defense is to defecate and musk when picked up, as well as occasionally bleed from the cloaca. The banding is also more complete at the sides, where a Longnosed Snakes bands may include blotches of white or grey on each side. The Arizona Black Rattlesnake is sometimes mistakenly referred to as Timber Rattlesnake throughout its range due to generally being found at higher altitudes in wooded areas. The pattern can become nearly solid black in mature snakes, to a speckled/banded pattern in areas where it intergrades with the California Kingsnake. Groundsnakes are very small, with an adult size of only around 10". The Kingsnake is non-venomous and appears in yellow and black. AZ The Arizona Black Rattlesnake, or Crotalus cerberus, is found in the Hualapai Mountains and Cottonwood Cliffs in northwest Arizona. With hundreds of articles on everything pertaining to lizards, turtles, and snakes, our experienced team provides reliable and accurate content you can trust. The common kingsnake is found from deserts to riparian areas to forests. If you come upon a desert king snake it will usually try to flee. Most other species bands break off on their sides somewhere. Its coloration is truly striking. Protected throughout its limited range in Arizona, this snake should be avoided. From the Arizona ridge-nosed rattlesnake to the coral snake. The color of the soil in their native habitat often influences the coloration of their scales! There are several lethal rattlesnake species found in Arizona, including Grand Canyon rattlesnakes, Arizona black rattlesnakes, Mojave rattlesnakes, and prairie rattlesnakes. Copyright 2020 USASnakes. , In Stone Canyon, captured snakes averaged 19.6 grams (0.04 lbs). Due to superficial similarities in appearance, the unrelated Desert Nightsnake is often misidentified as a Twin Spotted Rattlesnake by concerned home owners searching online. Leave a comment below now, Related Articles to Arizona Snakes Identification Guide, brochure about living with venomous snakes, Tennessee Snakes Species Guide (Pics, Safety Tips, & More! Arizona is a genus of snakes in the family Colubridae. (Salvadora grahamiae) They do not bite and are completely harmless, and OK to have in your yard. Red next to black, friend of Jack. These are medium-sized (up to about 3' long) snakes that are often confused with the similar-looking Sonoran Gophersnake. Lyre snakes are venomous, but like the vine snake, their venom isnt deadly. When threatened, a rattlesnake shakes it tail and makes a rattling noise as a warning. This snake has a pattern of irregular blotches along the back, often with a dark brown outline. This beautiful snake has red, black, and white crossbands, with the red bands bordered by thin bands of black. The base colors of these snakes vary but they have unique markings of red, black, and white blotches or bands. (Chilomeniscus stramineus) They will grow to be between 36 to 52 inches. While they are common in the sandy soil and grasslands where they live, they are relatively elusive. If you are close to a rattlesnake you may hear the rattle before you even see the snake. (Tantilla hobartsmithi) A black snake with solid red and white bands that continue to the snakes underside, Generalists, prefer dry areas with sandy soils. While night snakes are venomous, they generally pose no threat to humans. This snake looks nearly identical to the more commonly-encountered Desert Nightsnake, and placement within the known range (see map) is the best way to differentiate between the two. Gopher snakes are all over Arizona. Completely harmless to people and peers, they are not biters. They're quick, and most people only get a glimpse of them before they disappear, which often leads to misidentificaiton as a Coachwhip or Whipsnake. The Pacific gopher snake, Pituophis catenifer, is a nonvenomous snake found in the Western United States, Canada and Mexico. One of the few recorded bites, which included both a subject knowledgeable in the study of snakes and photographic evidence of the snake, resulted in just swelling and discomfort; when treated with standard antivenin doses, the subject recovered in just three days. It prefers areas with sandy soils. Stripes are generally 2:1 white to black, while the diamondback are 50:50 white to black. When scared or threatened, the Night snake will ball up and hide its head. The grand canyon rattlesnake is tan, yellowish, or pink in color; a good match for the colorful rocky areas that make up the majority of its range. Snakes are a common creature both in the real world and in folklore. Groundsnakes are completely harmless, never bite, and cannot hurt a person of any age or any size of pet. Fortunately, these snakes are easy to identify since they have a pretty unique shape. It occurs in a variety of habitats but generally prefers open areas with sandy soils. Short, thick-bodied snake with orange and brown banding. The gila monster is often confused with other large, desert lizards, such as the chuckwalla and desert iguana, but can be easily distinguished by its high-contrast black and yellow pattern. Arizona rattlesnakes have slit-shaped pupils and broad heads. They can be a variety of colors; brown and tan is most common, though they also may be red, pink, orange, or black. This species is very fast,can quickly catch its prey, and swallow it whole. Adults in the Phoenix area are commonly in the 3 range, with exceptional animals approaching 4. In those cases, its best to contact a wildlife trapper. 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