Even called the nurse in to come have a look. My condition quickly returned back to where it was prior to my cortisone shot. 4 years ago my father got a diagnosis of stage 2 Prostate cancer. Eyes, Cataracts, Glaucoma, Eye Glasses & Asthma: I got the Rife Model 101 machine to help with my eyes and lungs. Pre-programmed for over 30 forms of primary top illness. WebWe are the leader in Rife Technology. I am trying to do twice a day, but some days, I only get one in. She begged dad to get checked even though he'd had a clean colonoscopy two years before. Woman, 44, had a spider bite. After 2 and weeks of daily use of the Rife frequency machine, my energy returned back to normal and most of the symptoms had disappeared. Call or email her like I did. I don't like the political situation in Washington, believing that we should be prepared to take care of ourselves/families (health-wise, too), best we can; when/where we can. They are great friends and the best dogs ever! WebRife is MOST effective in dealing with microbial-based diseases (bacteria, viruses, fungi, mold, and parasites) and your own cells (cancer). He did the treatment because of me. - C. Rocque, MO (4/5/14), My husband keeps bees and he had a huge reaction to some stings. I was diagnosed about 4 years ago (before that, doctors thought I had MS). Then I decided to set it on the program for general infection and I fell asleep while the Rife machine worked. We also started Essiac Tea, vitamin C, enzymes, other supplements and we got a water ionizer. A 70 year old with trigeminal neuralgia..pain so intense he'd stopped eating and was having trouble walking. A few weeks later, I prayed to God for some ideas of how to treat the eye. He is using the machine and has had a remarkable turn in his condition. High Blood Pressure, Allergies, Sore Back, Sore Hip: I got my ProWave Rife 101 Energy System in 2013 as I was having a great deal of trouble with high blood pressure (HBP). At this time, he decides to share the amazing user experience of Spooky2 GeneratorX with all of us. PS: Our World is much happier with You, Tina, in it! Home. I'm 74, and I've been using the three channels you suggested (118, 171 + 181) and I certainly feel better! I then had another CAT scan. What a joy to have my life back again. The rife machine is designed to tune into your body and listen for abnormally low frequencies. WebRife is MOST effective in dealing with microbial-based diseases (bacteria, viruses, fungi, mold, and parasites) and your own cells (cancer). After using the machine for a few weeks I was walking much better. Subscribe. He claimed it produced low-energy radio waves with the same frequency as cancer-causing microbes. The blisters took 2 or 3 weeks to totally go away, but it did not hurt, itch or spread after I used the machine. My husband had a horrible barking cough we were so scared about covid. See full details on our. Some people have reported experiencing electrical shocks when using a Rife machine. This historical machine was a machine that Rife himself may not have understood the working mechanism as it was a redesign of previously much larger instrument with many huge tank coils. My husband uses it for the ringing in his ears. I took Epsom salt baths, but it just kept getting worse and worse. I can see my face getting clearer and the definitions of the nose and chin coming back after being bloated or swelled for years! 2004-2023 Healthline Media UK Ltd, Brighton, UK, a Red Ventures Company. Support. He suggested doctors could kill diseased or cancerous cells by sending an electrical impulse identical to the cells unique electromagnetic frequency. Abrams claimed that diseases gave off a specific electromagnetic frequency, a theory that he named radionics.. They then said it could take two to four weeks. Thanks for all your help. So two years and eight months later I purchased the Rife 101 machine for another more important reason. Rick Simpson oil is a cannabis extract with high levels of tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC. It was like a magic bullet - the pain and problems were GONE in just a few treatments - immediate improvement. I'm really impressed with this machine! The tumor on her arm has gone from the size of a golf ball and looking horribly inflamed and red, to the size of a marble and dark, with no redness anymore. Skin, Cancerous Spine Lesions & Pancreatic Cancer Survivor: Customer told us the Rife 101 is helping his friend a lot. An impulse of the same frequency is then used to kill or disable diseased cells. Now they are playing together in the living room like kittens. Alkaline water is said to help counteract any acid found in your, Around the world, parts of the graviola tree are used to make medicines to treat infection or inflammation. I had also developed an occasional strong pain in my groin. The problem is centered in my ears. I used the Rife 101 every other day for 6 months doc couldn't believe it. - Carol, MA, I purchased the Rife Model 101 a few weeks ago and I want you to know I am very, very pleased with it. Liver Cancer, Lung Cancer, Breast Cancer, Ovarian Pre-Cancerous Tumor, Uterine Thickening, Lupus: I am so grateful how swiftly you were in replying. After going back to work, I was so drained of energy, I would just come home and go to bed. She was in the hospital and then a nursing home - she has nerve problems and she uses the machine before bedtime and it helps her sleep. - M. McDonald, MN 1-3-17. She was a heavy drinker and smoker. The machine preformed even better than I expected and has become my best friend giving me a new lease on life! I feel more like I could be 62. (I bought another one a few weeks ago). Also less pain and more energy especially in the morning. - C. Smith, TX (5-24-19), I'll be 80 in two days and my joints are aching. The doctor could not find any medication that stopped the infection from eating the bones and even after cutting the infection out it would show up again and additional surgeries were performed to try and stop it. - H. West, LA (6-21-19). Wayne D (3/3/07). We moved soon after. The machine uses technology that makes common sense. (2013). The doctor asked her three times just what was it that she was doing. I like the step-up procedures (the impedance feature, particularly). Bob was only 51 they said without treatment he would die in 6 months to a year. Spooky2 Success Story - Hannah: Cancer Could Not be Found After My Father Used the Spooky2 Rife Machine for 3 Months. One guy with blood cancer, myeloid something, would go months without a blood transfusion when he'd use my machine - otherwise it was only 2-3 weeks. I wouldnt sell it for anything if I was unable to get another. It was more sensitive before Rife treatment, almost continuously from when the pins were established for crown installation. He has poor vision, some overweight and high blood pressure problem. I opted for crowning the remnants of the live tooth. She was dying from kidney failure caused by a Staph infection. I tried the Rife 101 my parents just received. In these tests, the validity was zero because I do not have any of the 72 conditions and consistency was zero because no condition listed in either scan was found in the other scan. Well, those black spots? I'm not surprised. The researchers carried out these experiments in test tubes, which is not the same as studies in animals or humans. Although she had not used the Rife101 machine specifically for the herpes problem, she reported that as a side effect of the treatment the herpes had disappeared and she has not had a recurrence over the past 8 months. Of course, the doctors told him he didn't have any options other than chemo and surgery and more chemo. It was done in a hospital that has a reputation for being one of the cleanest. I thought I would die. Thanks - Mary Ann W. My friend's bought a Rife 101 in May 2015 for the husband's multiple myeloma and I'd just like to report that they are thrilled. He used the machine on BONE TRAUMA and WOUND HEALING. TrueRife has been on the leading edge of frequency delivery devices for almost 20 years. All Rights Reserved. - J. Kolkey, CA 10-22-17, Because of the diabetes in my body, I have been prone to having many infections. My wife and I both use the Rife Frequency machine as she suffers from arthritis in her knees, after a few sessions her pain is slowly going away and the swelling has been reduced so we are very happy with our purchase. I was so impressed by these other testimonials and I'm glad I found Tina and the Rife Model 101 Rife machine. but was polite and went through the 38 minute program. WebA rife machine unit that comes with light emitting diodes (LEDs) is a great feature. Now I can walk, talk without stuttering and haven't had a seizure in 4 weeks. Sometimes I'd be put on antibiotics. He talked with me and stated that I should get the Rife machine as soon as possible. We suggest enabling javascipt. She just went for a PET scan and is 100% cancer free. 6 months ago I was experiencing abdominal pain, went to doctor who requested a sonogram that showed a 4-5 mm polyp in the neck of the gall bladder. But no such thing with this manual, which is letter perfect, grammar perfect, and composed with the same thoughtful concern for the user as is the device itself. My daughter swears by it for her asthma and her mother in law borrows it when her sinuses act up. - G.R. Finally back home, while visiting with my son one day, I was fortunate enough to run into a young man who had overcome the same physical hardships that I had happen to me, and who now looked as fit as anyone I had ever seen. Bronchitis is another standout. I started him on the Rife Model 101 in January of 2007, and he started feeling better right away. I suspect they couldn't tell because I had already used the Rife 101 and was well on my way to recovery! Rife 101, I wish I could have found you a long time ago. - N. Rape, NC 5/9/18. But to feel the remarkable relief of pain and symptoms of the conditions mentioned is enough to make me a believer. All gone! Explore the effects of keto for cancer in humans and animals. He then ordered a CAT scan and I was told I had a mass, then he ordered a PET scan. My objectives were met. For a while now I've had trouble walking because of the pain especially in my legs but since using the machine I'm walking much better and in less pain. It's not just that you are there to support your customers, but you are obviously into this equipment and extremely knowledgeable about it. I did one treatment a week for maintenance. WebRife machine Reviews and Testimonials USA - Suzie - "Three months ago my husband was in hospital on the edge of a final heart attack and with prostate cancer stage 4, in medical terms, he was a dead man. They were heavy with blood and pus. She has ozone treatments and is using the Rife 101 also for detox. I had bloodwork done 11-20-2019 and met with my oncologist last Wednesday. It's amazing. These days I pretty much have come to expect such manuals to be in garbled English, written by Chinese people in China. Six months later she is still fine. Click below to join the TrueRife network! I use the Rife 101 for 48 hours straight on Shingles (I can teach you how to run it all night long) and don't you know, the shingles just stopped. After thinking about this, I realized that the "Carcinoma" treatment is the second longest and runs for 72 minutes. We put him on the Rife 101 once so far for only about 10-12 minutes and it made a difference already - he was up and walking around. Thank you. Yet; I say once more; THANK YOU & THANK GOD FOR YOU AND YOUR GENUINE CONCERN FOR OTHERS! I've been using the Rife 101 Energy System 5 weeks now and I am astounded at the results. K. Swanson (NW, 2005), I came back from a health expo - eating too much fun food, stayed up late, was in contact with many people and illnesses - started getting the oh-oh scratchy throat, runny nose, growing hot and tired. It also helps my family with all sorts of things - pain, colds, headaches, asthma and more. We all feel that we couldn't live without it! It was instrumental. I so greatly appreciate your wisdom and assistance. I don't know how it does it, but it fixes everything! That liquid-filled swelling quickly disappeared. It's also helping with detox. And, he wasnt drinking any water. (4/10/14), We heard about the Rife machine and decided to get one. I had a cold in the fall of 2010, which was the first time I was sick in about 10 years. Mount Vernon couple sentenced for medical fraud. Thank You, Sandy & Randy (11-9-10), I am so pleased with my Rife 101 machine. Over the years, it has become one if my most prized possessions! The cat was playing with the plastic. I followed the Quick Start Instructions and used the Bruise program. The blisters came and got worse not better, the war was on and I kept using the machine. Seems like the more I use it the better I feel. The retinal scans on the other eye were improved. And also a program for verruca under her breast that disappeared after only two half an hours sessions. Because it can differentiate between various low EMFs, a multitude of cancers can be detected. EXAMPLE OF SEARCH TERMS (in no particular order): cancer, tumor, melanoma, carcinoma, leukemia, weight loss, lymph, lupus, detox, joint, pain, Thank you! My Father was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. They tell me people with this affliction have tried to commit suicide because of the unrelenting pain. - Wanda, KY, Received the Rife 101 machine last night. These are my regular programs on a daily basis. We've noticed that your javascript is disabled. - J. Simonu, UT 3-29-17, It has just come to our attention that there is a particular frequency in the Rife 101 Energy System that may be helpful to rebuild bone in osteoporosis, or prevent further bone loss in addition to the program we currently recommend. Yours in health - Marilyn M. Todd's Paralysis Syndrome, Head Injury, Seizures. I never got colds or the flu in my entire life until my parents became ill five years ago and eventually died (terrible time for me). Liver Cancer, Lupus, Prostate, Thyroid (Hashimoto's Disease): I'm writing to say how very happy we are with our Rife machine! The other is a year or so old and is the latest F-122 model. I had a very serious internal virus infection that I had not been able to control by any means. I used to get frequent distressing headaches, ruining many planned activities. I started him on about 5 milligrams of CBD per day and it's evident he's in much less pain now - he's got his energy back! Duchess gets daily exercise in the form of walks and some play with chasing a ball. high pH alkaline water This morning had a headache for about an hour but noticed no limp and my knees were not in any way aching! Give it a try. While forever grateful to modern medicine, doctors, friends, etc, I believe the problem could have been prevented by Rife's research. My white blood cell count was very high. A Rife machine is a device that delivers a low energy electromagnetic frequency into the body, usually through the hands or feet. The savings on the cost of my meds alone will pay for my Rife 101. Robert H, KS (NW, 2008). It was like it unblocked something in my head. He improves greatly after using Spook2! I got up last nite at 1:30 a.m. couldn't get back to sleep because of arthritis pain. The wound was no longer deteriorating, there was no more pain and the swelling was totally gone. prostate, PSA, impotence, breast, adrenal, shingles, herpes, ALS, chronic fatigue, cold, inflammation, edema, It's so easy to use even for a "technically challenged" old gal like me. It also cleared up my friend's daughter's breast cancer. - Thank you, Violet F. I use the Rife 101 about once a week and I like it very much. I call it my doctor machine! This Bladder Cancer recovery success story is shared by our Spooky2 user Barry Novis. Breast Cancer, Lung Cancer, Liver Cancer, Bone Cancer, Lymph Glands, Tumors, Depression & Insomnia: Three years ago I found out I had breast cancer throughout my breast and I went to work with my Rife 101 machine (bought in 2012). 23: The rife machine and retroviruses. My problem was gone in 3 treatments plus the expensive monthly bills were history. Another more important reason and we got a diagnosis of stage 2 Prostate cancer 80 in days... Face getting clearer and the definitions of the live tooth done in a hospital that a! I wouldnt sell it for anything if I was told I had very. Commit suicide because of arthritis pain called the nurse in to come have a look the form of and! 6 months to a year, headaches, ruining many planned activities my. To a year unblocked something in my body, usually through the hands or feet would die 6... And my joints are aching law borrows it when her sinuses act up got a diagnosis of 2! 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