Don't you want children too?" I wouldn't want to lose Star. "Having proved her meekness and subservience to Atta, Armuna was soon trusted enough to prepare Atta's food and even the food of the other men when they feasted with him in his lodge. What had she just said? When Groog realized what the woman Mog-ur was kneeling in front of he let out a cry of rage, bringing Ayla out of herself, out of her shock. I can't explain why Wolf acted the way he did and I'll feel a lot better when I see that they are alright." he asked. They were coming! She explained that it was a family favorite when all the ingredients were available, which was the case at this time of year. 22. Would she end up being alone when she was her mother's age with no children of her own? "What is it about men? "I am Groog," he said the 'name' out loud, as Ayla had done with her family names. Ayla untied him from the pole-drag to check his wounds. Ayla noticed eagerness shining from his eyes. I was worried that your selfless act in saving us from the cave lion might end with the loss of your own life. This was a strange apparition standing before her. Jondalar knelt beside the grieving woman and the dead man. "See the patches on the inside of our horse's legs? His smile turned mischievous and wearing only his loincloth now, he stepped close and hugged Ayla tightly to his bare chest. "Children! Wolf was here to protect her on The Sacred Mountain. Jonayla climbed over the surround gate and demonstrated as she continued to talk in a soothing voice to a small, dark brown colt with a light tan belly. She soon became violently ill from the poison she had consumed but after some time she recovered. "No," he signed, "Come to me, we will talk." We need to stay close enough to each other so if one of us does run into something the others can come to the aid of whoever needs it.". Then she gave attention to the other scrapes and bruises, washing them with some boiled yellow-spine thistle blossom solution to clean and soothe the abrasions. "Yes, let's get this over with, once and for all," Joharran said. Killing her would show recognition that he believed she was who she said she was. It seemed a natural thing when Lorala had touched her the first time. Yes, there needs to be a book of closure. This is the way of the Clan. Ayla was finishing up Summer Child's curry as the aroma of meat grilling on the cooking fire reached her. The Zelandonia from each Cave would gather to choose a new spiritual leader. Jonayla!" My father is a master hunter and leads the hunts for South Face.". He paused for a moment and Ayla could see his eyes mist with emotion. If he rejected her now, it would be devastating. This had always been a conflict for her. No one teases me about my name anymore so you can call me Durc too, if you like. North was the unknown and a direction that was less likely to be searched. There were three boys and a girl lying in the grass beside a stream, one of the boys with a sinew fishing line dangling in the water. "Oh Doni! It would be alright in winter, but in summer its prey would see it coming for miles. Anyone not as close to her wouldn't be able to pick up the signs. He knew what it would be. "Rubio, I understand there is food prepared?" If she could talk to a cave leader like this man as an equal, then she and her mate 'Jonlar' had told him the truth. He caused so much pain and almost killed you and father and would have done the same to me if not for Cambarre. The others watched as the little animal curled up in the Donier's arm. They stood in the softly falling rain for a few moments longer. They would stay at their own people's lodge to greet guests, while members of other caves circulated between feasting caves to congratulate and share in the new couple's joy. I was going to try to do it at the Zelandoni lodge but that wasn't really practical. What a fool he'd been, he had been rehashing old memories while his enemy had advanced so close that he was in jeopardy of being discovered. She overcame the Shaman and humbled him in front of everyone. There were also some of the tools and implements for making blades, including rawhide thongs and resins to be included in his woven burial shroud. For a time the only sound was the lapping of lake water against the nearby shore and small sounds made by tiny creatures foraging for nocturnal food sources. Jonayla and Cambarre looked in the direction the red haired woman was pointing. ", "I'm becoming more certain I am with child. Support; something I will need now more than ever. Jondalar's body wasn't responding to Ayla's attempts at healing. The only other people in her cave that had such a thing were the Mog-ur and the Medicine Woman. It is named so because during this time, as the Moon rises it appears reddish through the haze caused by dust in the air when rain does not fall. Ayla looked around her quickly and realized that if she tried to dive for cover she would make an easy target for the man. Glad it worked," she said, also very relieved. Besides giving me the spear that killed the cave lion they also gave us the fever medicine that cured our wounds.". Mother and daughter exchanged meaningful looks; both knew how dangerous a deep wound could be and the chances of corruption building up that could be fatal. Then the Zelandoni of the Fifth stood, "I agree, Camma is a good looker." What would be left for her here? But as she dismounted her knees went weak and she started to fall. Then the two backtracked, using the wolf's spoor as their guide. It was mid-day before Cambarre, along with five others, came into view. He'd been instructed to cause fear and confusion by ambushing a few people walking alone close to the Chimu community. I'd had it bookmarked for literally years when I stumbled across it two nights ago and decided to give it a shot. From that moment forward, everyone knew that the Zelandoni of the Ninth Cave would be First Zelandoni and would be chosen by unanimous consent. It had leaked during the last rain and he didn't want them getting wet again as fall moved forward and the rains became more frequent before the snow fell. He nodded to her and she filled cups with tea and handed them around. Within the next few days everyone would be leaving the Summer Meeting. "I see. At first she didn't know what the images meant, but when something would happen later that she had dreamed about, she understood that her dream image had predicted the event. We must take them to Mongar and Mog-ur as they instructed us to do. Once she had cleaned the boy's wounds and bandaged them, Jondalar insisted she let him clean her wound. They might briefly stare, which was considered rude but not cruel. Why do you think she brought her people north to confront the Shaman? "Let's see, there are eleven communities north of Big River and six south. Its strange crude carvings were commented upon and its massive shaft made the people wonder what sort of hunter could wield it. "I see you did give away the gray female. Chapter 23 Lend me a little fish-meat, so my mate and children may also celebrate the holy day.'. "Yes, a most remarkable medicine. I read a lot and these are by far my favorite ever! Ayla kept the two men in her line of sight, but just barely. "I wish Wolf was here to find the nests for us. Jondalar looked in the direction that Jonayla had indicated and pulled his horse to a stop. She smiled again, making the point that Camma wasn't the only one who might not think of everything. Durcan had come across the tracks of a wolf and had pointed them out to his sister. By the beginning of Full Buck Moon, it was time to think about the short journey to the northern area to see what should be done about the violence taking place there. She felt ill, but knew that she needed to settle the wounded child and his mother before she could rest. He didn't like pretty people. The strong spirits that it contains will keep you and yours safe so long as you carry it. He hoped not. They had been assigned the home ground south of their cave and had been there for several hours with little expectation of seeing anything unusual. She also knew that now that she had touched it Mog-ur couldn't take it back even if he wanted to. I just want to talk, I promise," he said. The southerner looked at the Donier of the Third Cave and asked, "Would you see to the making of a couple of pole-carriers? They were six now: Ayla, Jonayla, Cambarre, Latinar and Tarmidar. 'I must find out.' He began to carefully crawl toward the voices. Durg was becoming tired of standing in one place while Mageb went in search of anything unusual. Mongar stopped dead in his tracks as he came out of the cave into the daylight. Ayla hoped it could be done quickly. "Yes we know," Jonayla said, looking sideways at her brother. She urged her horse to a trot beside her mother's as they rode to the area in front of the cave that was so full of hurrying people. Because Japan is a country covered by so much mountainous terrain, mountains often became the object of this belief inevitably. I will thank Zelandoni and your brother's mate when I see them next. The Fifth had been tapping a stick against a hollow log in rhythm with the chant, but suddenly stopped his beat and the chant ended abruptly in tune to his action. "You can smell them, they smell strongly of horse. The older brother decided he had enough and commanded the bowl to stop, but when it didn't, he realized that he couldn't remember the phrase his brother had used to stop it. The wolf will not hurt anyone and is not to be harmed." "When you get close enough to the horse, slowly, but firmly compliment the horse and tell them about all their good characteristics to make them feel calmer around you," she said, reaching out. But do you know how to use it? I can see why, even if he is old now, he still looks handsome. But I want to at least let his spirit know that someone cares about him." Ayla slept poorly that night, waking every so often from her dreams. The sun was slanting into late morning before the two women saw the smoke from Hilltop holding. the Donier who spoke for the southerners asked. When I had lived maybe five summers, I was given the name Ayla by the people who rescued me from death and I know it wasn't the name I had known before. "I know this is a shock to all of you and I apologize for not telling you before this. The earth around them was green with all kinds of growing things bursting with life and she should have been rejoicing at the feelings that a new season brings, but the pain of Wolf's loss and the edgy feeling she now experienced as she approached the area of troubles blunted the vibrant colors and the joyous feelings she would have normally experienced at this time of year. The young wolf playfully yipped and frolicked past the people, as if urging them to follow. He stepped further back and looked at the ground. "Mog-ur, your daughter told me that you were adopted to the hearth of Creb who was Mog-ur when you lived with our people in the east. Jondalar wondered for a moment if he'd done that to encourage the women to remain bare breasted for a while longer, but then sighed and pulled his tunic off over his head to allow the sheltered fire to dry his tunic as well. The Clan used name cycles too but not tied to the moon, theirs referred to the people and the age of a person or place. They couldn't understand why he acted the way he did toward me. She wouldn't back down, not when there were so many Clan people already dead. He would teach this woman who claimed to be Mog-ur how to address a man and a leader. Jonayla asked. A pale shining friend, a companion, a brother.They grew up together, learned to love and to care,And when She was ready, they decided to pair.". "Yes, I am female, but among my people females can be powerful and share all responsibility with the males. "Daughter, I think I know what I have to do. To them it looked like she had magically mounted the horse. He could not see a spearthrower, a knife or any other weapon. It all started when our cave was suddenly attacked by the Others. ", "A new version you say! 'Creb' who was Mog-ur?" He was a useful member of the Zelandonii people and a valued member of South Face Holding. "Thank you Zelandoni, I appreciate your kind words and," she looked around at the others, "I appreciate your support. "There is also the issue of living in peace with the people of the Clan. He knew of men who shirked their duty to provide and he knew what people thought of them. "I am Durcan from the Ninth Cave," he answered simply. They looked very far away. Ayla could hardly believe it. : She could tell this woman was used to the healing arts, and that she had much experience, possibly even more than she herself. Ayla walked back to the lodge with her daughter and the pups. They had their nuances and subtleties, but when they said something, you knew it was the truth. Just as the monster began to moan and speak, the rocks hit their target and a frightened howl came from the beast. 39. The third had to be that of Wolf Star, the hunter of souls, who did the bidding of the Mother in the form of a wolf. "I thought he'd received all that before you left him. It was a symbol of their mating, the necklace all mated couples received after their trial period was completed. Nowhere could he see Jonayla's smaller prints. he cried. The Storyteller's lodge at the back of the compound was different than most of the others at the Summer Meeting. I'm from Two Wolf Lodge of Old Valley Cave, son of Ramacol, leader of Two Wolf Lodge, brother to Kemordan who was leader before him." But I promise you, we will go north and deal with this.". Ayla turned toward the east and grasping the rope end that was attached to a loop around Madroman's neck, she signaled that it was time to leave. They use fire to cook their food and for warmth, there are no animals that do that, only humans use fire. Then they closed in on each other again with screams of anger and outrage that reverberated around the valley. They're going to gather as many as they can so we'll have a tasty treat tonight. Ayla, removed her sling from around her forehead and ran the leather thongs through her fingers. She could see the others falling to their knees and praying, fear and shock written on their faces. It changes and becomes firm inside." There will be more wonderful times ahead of us. ", "Yes, I didn't mean to speak out of turn about your time with the Clan. As he walked past Willamar the old man said, "Nothing to be embarrassed about young man. 21. ", "Your father is handsome," Folrian said. "Would you let me ride back with you Jonayla? "'The fishermen must salt the fish if they want to stay out longer to catch more,' he thought. The song had been sung before, but with a shocked and distressed voice. ", Cambarre reached out and took Jonayla's hand in his. She brought me back to her cave on the first pole-drag that I had ever seen pulled by the first horse I had ever seen ridden by a person. the woman storyteller rounded on Ralev as if she were truly mad at him. Ayla didn't like the man; she thought he might be even more dangerous than Brukeval. "I understand how you must feel. The boy is called Durcan, who is named after the Clan legend of Durc and we call him Durc among the family, the girl is called Jonayla, after my mate and I. And I ask again, what are you doing in this place?" That will not happen!" Ayla offered the wounded man water. He went on to say that the Lion Camp would make jokes with their Clan signs about people when they were rude to Rydag, who was a mixture between people and flatheads. Ayla invited the southern Doniers to meet her at the Ninth Cave in seven days to discuss the future and to get to know them better. "Who painted my face?" Ayla wasted no time in inspecting the livid puckered remains of the shoulder wound. She quickly noticed what the people were looking at and without a word mounted Summer Child and rode out to meet them. He liked her and liked the feeling of being close to her. The young couple was on the trail before the sun reached the top of their sheltering bluff. That decided, he pulled a leather tunic out of his pack to wear that morning on their ride to the Chimu. Please tell me.". We may find ourselves at risk of running into some of the renegades. If my family decides to leave you would come with me?" "The older brother heard of his brother's change of fortune. "Are the preparations made for his burial? Willamar was holding Melodene snugly now, telling her he was just being certain she wouldn't fall. Jonayla looked around at the group of people that were her family and said, "If you think this is important, then I think it's important too. Her horse stood connected to an A-frame pole-drag that had been colored red with sacred dyes. Over the next few days she would not eat much and knew that she shouldn't miss a meal now if she wanted to be in shape for the approaching rigors. Jeans father was a house painter by profession whereas her mother was a homemaker. "I have my sling with me and also need to bring something back to the pot for my family. "I was eventually forced out of the Clan by the same man who had attacked me. ", "We will be glad to share a meal with you and I would very much like to spend time with you and hear some of your stories, if you have the time, but we need to get to the storyteller's lodge and stake out our space before there is no room left. Jondalar and Cambarre knew they wouldn't be able to reach Ayla in time. In this case he was positive his mate's mother knew everything there was to know about birthing, having assisted in births more times than anyone could count. The Donier from the south shooed away Joharran when he knelt to build a fire, "I will take care of the fire," she said in a commanding voice, "you and the others make sure those people aren't hovering around just out of sight." By the time it was truly dark the newly mated couples returned to their summer lodges for the matrimonial feasts. He only wanted to surprise them with his hunting-craft, apparently that was not to be. Atta shrieked in pain as Armuna put all her strength into the spear and rammed it deeper and deeper into him. It had all been such a blur to her - the Mother speaking so vividly through her. They weren't allowed to speak to anyone other than to each other and were expected to find a secluded place to be alone. "You have always talked sense and you've never pretended to be something more than you are. Ayla brought Summer Child to halt. She has been in service for eighteen summers and leads all those who serve the southern Zelandonii. I think just about everybody from our cave is still here, plus a bunch of people from other caves.". Without the broad descriptions of landscapes and the repetitive mother's song I truly enjoyed this book from beginning to end. She was happy to just follow Crazy Eyes instead of backtracking his previous approach. The next day, just after dawn, the Zelandonii broke camp near the Nineteenth Cave and rode down to the river crossing. She had always felt guilty about Brukeval's abrupt departure from the Zelandonii; somehow she had offended him so much that he had just walked away from everyone he had known. With a sigh, she mounted Summer Child with one smooth leap and turned to see her family climbing on to their mounts. She'd also learned there were people with big enough hearts to change their minds when they realized they were wrong in their opinions. He knew to show fear to this man would be a mistake. "Jondalar, I need you to sign to Groog who I am." On the plus side, she doesn't have to take part in publicity campaigns too often. I think any man would be proud to be chosen by you." They also heard stories of her being attacked by the cave lion. But someday, I hope you do have children. You are helping not only our people but those of the Chimu who will join you in the search. Jonayla was agitated. She wants me to give her another. I would have done our things when we got back.". In her turn, Ayla looked into Jondalar's brilliant-blue eyes; eyes that had always captivated her, even the very first moment she'd seen them open after his near death from the cave lion attack so many summers ago. Ayla stood in front of him and gripped his upper arms squeezing his massive biceps in the Clan sign for friendship. After leaving the inner chamber, most of the Zelandonia gathered in groups outside, each talking in quiet conversations. I need him as calm as possible so he can make a good impression at the meeting. When she tried to bring up the subject of the stories that were circulating about her Clan son Durc, the first Zelandoni of the southern caves held up her hand and said, "There is no need to talk about your Clan son, unless it is to tell us about him. I'll take him to my dwelling. Most of the people went to work right away setting up their summer lodges and circles of stones for individual cooking fires. Your First Zelandoni can talk to cave lions and horses and even birds. "Well, you're here and I'm glad you are," was all he said, remaining silent as they rode slowly south along the trail. ", "Very well," Ayla replied. I thank you for that," Jonayla took Marilla's hands her hers. It is close by the Summer Meeting, yet a place where we will not be disturbed by the daily tasks imposed upon us by everyday life. He needed to lie down. The town of Julian holds a special place in our hearts and Sacred Mountain was the first venue we toured. Whinney gave her two daughters, Gray and Summer Child and one son, Racer. Ayla only nodded and kept looking straight ahead as if in a trance, not really taking in her surroundings. But now big things were happening. She said you weren't ready to replace your old friend Wolf and you thought I might like it. She had been wishing there was time to get a way to see her extended family to the east and now this was her opportunity. "I'll never tire of them, nor of you woman. She also knew he would love their daughter just as much as she would love their son. Welcome Jondalar," the young man stepped forward and gripped the older man's wrists in a hunter's greeting. Then they heard men crashing around in the forest searching for Jonayla. "Jonayla," Cambarre stepped up beside his mate. The pup was at a very rambunctious stage now. A soft glow was still present from the newly banked fires. This year everyone from the Nineteenth Cave was at the Summer Meeting. Cambarre watched in amazement as each family member went efficiently about their tasks; the making of breakfast, breaking camp and packing the carry baskets. Not hurt anyone and is not to be a book of closure into the daylight strange crude were... 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