If you are planning to schedule a training seminar course for Character Test Judges in your home country please kindly inform us well in advance and due time. Kommentare zur . The respective online form is available for download from the event homepage from 1st May 2022 on. With just under 600 members not a very big organization. Informacin acutal en cuanto a la WUSV GSD Week en Lerma/ Espaa en Abril 2023. We also ask you to provide the necessary COVID 19 vaccinations to enter the Netherlands as smoothly as possible. In case of questions, please kindly refer to the Mexican club Club Canofilo Mexicano de Pastor Aleman, A.C. - jgandara@ganfer.com, The WUSV Secretariat General WUSV-Generalsekretariat WUSV Secretara General. WUSV World Championship 2022 Hosted By WUSV World Championship 2021. The WUSV-WM2020 will take place from 07th to 11th October in Gyr (Hungary). Obedience, defense and show will be held in the stadium, tracking will take place about 10km from the stadium. As you might have already learned from a circular letter dated November 03, 2017 that was sent out to the WUSV member organizations, a proposal regarding the cooperation agreement between the FCI and the WUSV was submitted to the delegates of the FCI General Assembly that was recently held in Leipzig. Upon the implementation of the worldwide HD/ ED certification procedure of the WUSV which will be mandatory from 2020 on, an HD/Ed stamp will have to be presented upon registration. Thank you so much and we are looking forward to meeting many competitors from all over the world in beautiful Austria. The Spanish Antitrust Authority imposes a fine of 143,000 on the Spanish dog association, which is a member of the FCI. We are looking forward to hearing from you again and meet you in Randers by the end of September 2022. Until that date the agreement obtained in 2013 remains in full force and effect. - 08.10.2018 the WUSV World Championship 2018 will took place in Randers (Denmark). And when we thought things would be half the way back to normal the pandemic struck us, affecting societies and governments around the globe. For evidence the dogs pedigrees are to be presented. Ranking V/VA National Shows outside Germany /, Minutes of the WUSV General Assembly 2019, Here you will find everything about the event /, https://www.wusv-wm-universal2022.at/images/videos/WUSV.mp4 _blank. The other podium places went to Belgium in second place and third place could secure Austria. Thank you for your attention. Regardless of the termination of the agreement for instance the membership of the Verein fr Deutsche Schferhunde (SV) e.V. Not only is this the first time we will enjoy the hospitality that England is so well known for also we are honored to share the 100th anniversary of the German Shepherd Dog League of Great Britain that was established as early as in 1919 a true challenge particularly in these times. Very much to our regret the WUSV member club in Finland needed to resign form its contract to host the WUSV World Championship IP in 2022. Fact is that a proposal regarding the termination of the cooperation agreement between the FCI and WUSV was part of the agenda of the General Assembly of the FCI as recently held in Leipzig. Lerma, Province of Burgos, SpainLerma From 04.-05. we are pleased to inform you about the new WUSV social media page on Facebook. For that reason, the SV and WUSV will at their expense support the appeal for donations and help from Romania. This applies also for the time after May 10, 2018, and every kind of speculation about the termination of this membership with all consequence entailed (for instance on the keeping of the SV studbook) is lacking any basis. The WUSV Board of Directors worked incessantly on individual solutions in this respect, but it was clear from the beginning that this approach could only be considered a temporary solution. Danach hat der Norwegische Kennel Club Ausstellungen und Sportveranstaltungen wieder geffnet, nachdem die norwegischen Behrden entsprechende Empfehlungen aufgehoben haben. There has been a technical problem with the donation account for money transfers with regard to the EURO currency. Anita was a respected Breeder, Conformation Judge and Breed Surveyor. If you have questions with regard to the procedures as presented in the film please do not hesitate to contact us. The 2022 WUSV World Championship will be held at CEPHEUS Park, Viborgvej 92, 8920 Randers, Danmark More information at www.wusv2022.com Please be patient - we are working as fast as we can :-). We will make a final decision on whether or not the event will go ahead no later than August 13. However, we also need to look into the future and there will for sure be a life in dog sports after the pandemic and Hungary volunteered to host the event in 2023 which gives us all something to look forward to. With the implementation of the WUSV worldwide HD/ ED Certification Procedure the presentation of a HD/ ED diagnostic becomes mandatory for the participation at the WUSV championships from 2020 on. Here you will find the welcome letter and the guidelines for the 9th WUSV Universal Championship in England. An up-date of the event regulations shall be published at short notice on the WUSV homepage and you will be informed as well. Die FCI hat ber die aktuelle Situation informiert. From 22.-24.06.2018 the 8th WUSV Universal Sieger Competition took place in Diest (Belgium). President is Mr. Soronzonbold Otgonzul who leads the organization that currently counts 800 members. The WUSV follows suit in terms of this decision and thus this sports device is not an option during the WUSV World Championship and the WUSV Universal Championship. Like nobody else, the name of Owe Buchmann was firmly associated with the German Shepherd Dog Club of Sweden, and we will remember him well for his excellent Swedish Winner Shows way back during the eighties and still in the nineties. Today, we wish to inform you about the latest development in terms of Animal Protection Law in Germany. We kindly ask you to forward this information to your members and responsible party and thank you in advance for publishing it in your social media. AUGSBURG When Russian troops invaded the state territory of Ukraine the unthinkable of which generations had thought it would be impossible happened: a wrongful, armed attack on a democratic country war in Europe. It is with enormous regret that we need to inform you about the cancellation of this years WUSV World Championship in Gyr/ Hungary as a result of the Corona Pandemic. Breeding and show line are not included into the agreement since that field is well covered by the WUSV member club in Australia, the German Shepherd Dog Council of Australia Inc. GSDCA. 24.-26.06.2022 Schwanenstadt (sterreich). Die Stimme der WUSV ist am 07. In case of doubt, please do not hesitate to contact us. In the individual classification "females" Jayne Wood (Great Britain) won with "Helaka Asia" ahead of Inna Nikolajeva (Latvia) with "Astrida Letton" (2nd place) and Andrea Wstner (Germany) with "Bonnie vom Villa Riva" (3rd place). from April 01, 1968 to April 23, 2014. He was awarded the Golden Needle by the SV, and he was among the co-founders of the EUSV European Championship the predecessor of what is today known as the WUSV World Championship. We understand the disappointment and frustration that our decision might cause for some of you but let us always put safety first. We are very pleased to inform you that the WUSV Universal Championship in England in June this year has already met wide interest and a considerable number of entries for teams from around the world has been received. October 2019 the WUSV World Championship will take place in Modena (Italy). Thank you so much! Suddenly and unexpectedly, on New Year's Day 2022, one day before his 62nd birthday, our dear friend Luciano Musolino passed away as a result of the Corona pandemic. Clemens Lux passed away on January 26th, this year. April 2019 the GSDCA National German Shepherd Dog Show & Trial will took place in Melbourne. In the event that no international mail is transported to your country, we will keep your documents safe in the meantime and resend them as soon as possible. On the occasion of the WUSV Universal Championship 2017 that was held in Regau/ Upper Austria last weekend, 53 competitors from 14 different nations (even the USA and Canada were represented) fought for the highest title to ever be awarded to a German Shepherd Dog: The WUSV Universal Champion. 9 & 10 April 2022. Ladies and Gentlemen: Today, we would like to inform you that contrary to our publication on the WUSV homepage dated June 02 nd, 2022 - INFORMATION BULLETIN VDH - the ban on stick hits resilience tests does not apply in Denmark.As a result, the test needs to be carried out during the course of the WUSV World Championship 2022 in Randers/ Denmark by the end of September 2022 in accordance . We are pleased to inform you about the latest development in terms of SV judge releases. Our office is closed from December 24, 2022 through January 08, 2023 for annual closing. Unter "Berichte WUSV-Mitglieder" stellen wir Berichte der WUSV-Mitglieder online. Please learn more about their vita and scope of responsibilities within the WUSV. This was the second time that the event was hosted and organized by the Verein fr Deutsche Schferhunde sterreich (SV), following the event in 2011 that was held in Hartkirchen. Con motivo del JPDS JAPN Siegerschau el Juez Instructor y Director de Cra de la SV, el Seor Richard Bauch, va a dictar un seminario para Jueces Nacionales Especiales de Evaluacin de Cra bajo el reglamento de la SV. Oct 2017 Event location: PC Tilburg Judges Total: Josef Schallegruber, Wolfgang Rook Judges A: Peter Mayerl , Clemente Grosso Judges B: Heinz gerdes , Jari Kokkonen Judges C: Rinus Bastiaansen , Horst-Dieter Trger Helpers C: The WUSV Championship represents one of the highlights in the international world of the German Shepherd. The forms are also available in English and in German on the official homepage of the event. Mr. Chen is very much committed to the Verein fr Deutsche Schferhunde (SV) e.V. According to the wording of the cooperation agreement the contract will expire six months after receipt of the notice of termination, and thus, the formal end of contract will be on May 10, 2018. Event: 2022 WUSV World Championship IGP 3 2022 Randers Denmark Add to calendar Edit an event Period: 28. Traduzioni in contesto per "World Championship 30 years" in inglese-italiano da Reverso Context: Formula 1 is ready to reach Sao Paulo in Brazil, the land where Minardi Team made its debut in the World Championship 30 years ago. All those who were blessed to know him and to benefit from his skills and knowledge will for ever remember him. We are well aware of the hard work and efforts this requires, leave alone the expenses such an event entails. on the occasion of the breed show Exposicin de Crianza N345 including a breed survey SV breed judge Richard Brauch will teach a seminar for National Special Judges for Breeding. IGP RESULTS Facebook Royal Canin Royal Canin is our main sponsor for WUSV 2022 SHOW 2022 - CLIK HERE Visit Aarhus - Experience Randers We are very pleased to inform you about the latest video-documentary in terms of puppy identification as published by the Verein fr Deutsche Schferhunde (SV) e.V. Our thoughts are with his family and friends. As a measure of precaution we would rather ask those countries that used the online form and never received a confirmation of receipt to please once again fill in the form attached and send it back to the following address for further procedure. The seminar will take place from June 02, 2022 until June 03, 2022 at CHILCOA headquarters at the following address: Vicente Perez Rosales 839, La Reina Santiago/ Chile. The WUSV Board of Directors decided that the participation in the WUSV World Championship and Universal Championship requires the presentation of a mandatory health certificate with immediate effect. Beschreibung/ Reference : Help Team Ukraine WUSV WM 2022. Expenses, such as for travelling, accommodation and board are to be covered by the WUSV member countries which require the services provided by the Continental Directors. This applies at both international and national level. Let's all hope that in August we can report that the World Cup in Tilburg will take place! Oct 2022 Registration deadline: 12. Within the WUSV he holds the position of Continental Director for the northern part of Asia. Statutes and rule books, forms, informations, Here you will find all information about the event /, Preliminary clarification of the possible participating countries, Press Release WUSV-Public Relations Officer Wolfram Behrendt, http://www.facebook.com/groups/388535126366533 _blank, please learn more about the event here/encuentre ms informacin por aqu, Application Form National Special Judge /. Please refer to the attached meeting minutes (item 6.1.) The first steps to be taken will be as follows: - The introduction of DNA verification at a worldwide level by means of GoCards, - The introduction of HD + ED examination at a worldwide level and the certification of radiologists, FCI Plans for the Abolishment of Strokes integral part of Protection Work. We are very pleased to inform you about the contact details of the WUSV Public Relations Officer as follows. On October 18, 19 and 20, the 41st edition of the Spanish Siegerschau will be held in Valladolid. Please kindly consider the above mentioned for your future planning and pass this information on accordingly. In the meantime the assembly decision was executed, and we received the respective cancellation letter from the FCI president. Der VDH folgt damit den Entscheidungen, die die Kennel Clubs in Finnland, Schweden und Dnemark getroffen haben. We are looking forward to your registration and see you in Nuremberg! Hello from Randers, the venue of the WUSV-WM IP 2022. The celebration was called "Obsessed Love - Twenty Years of Flying". After all, the health and safety of the participants and guests do enjoy absolute priority. Likewise, we would like to congratulate the President to the CKU, Mr. Jinfei Chen, who was in charge of the overall organization and coordination of this outstanding event that was held in Asia again for the first time after a period of 37 years. The town of Randers in eastern Denmark is located in the Region of Midtjylland approxi-mately 25 kilometres away from the coast of Kattegat. Please continue to grant both organizations your unconditional support. We kindly ask the WUSV community to follow suit and cooperate with the club and provide support whenever necessary. Wir wrden uns sehr ber eine Verffentlichung dieser Information auf Ihrer Vereinsseite in den Sozialen Medien freuen. From November 03rd, to November 07th, 2021 WUSV Member Club Real CEPPA successfully held a super event in the true sense of the word in Lerma. It is our understanding that the information provided was not authorized by the FCI, and we do assume that the FCI will send us a clarification of the issue within the next couple of days to come. The Winner Run from WUSV World Championship IGP 2022, Nico Kertzinger with his dog Nitra vom Eisernen Kreuz.Watch all Videos of this event on https://www.wor. The WUSV made a choice and elected a new WUSV BOARD of DIRECTORS On the occasion of the WUSV General Annual Assembly held on September 26th, 2022 at the MEISTERSINGERHALLE in Nuremberg the worldwide community of the WUSV - as represented by 52 member countries - elected a new Board of Directors as follows. Of course you can contact the WUSV Secretariat General at any moment in this respect and your questions will be gladly answered. Wusv Siegerschau World Championship 2023, Aarhus, Denmark. War in Europe Help required for People and Animals in Ukraine. We are looking forward to hearing from you. The town of Randers in eastern Denmark is located in the Region of Midtjylland approxi-mately 25 kilometres away from the coast of Kattegat. For this reason, the SV- and WUSV Board Members decided to support the work of Aktion Deutschland hilft (Campaign Germany helps) with two larger donations. Despite the difficulties Ukraine is currently facing as a result of the ongoing war, the Central Club for German Shepherd Dogs of Ukraine decided to nevertheless send a team to this years WUSV World Championship IP 2022 in Denmark. Details will be published in a timely fashion next year . This organization is mainly dedicated to the field of IP dog sports and the related competitions, and the cooperation contract is limited to that field. Caso de que tengan preguntas, por favor, dirjanse al oficial de adiestramiento de la WUSV, al Seor Egon Gutknecht con la direccin electrnica egon@gutknecht-am-main.de. Thank you for your attention and support in this respect. Our special thanks go to the Schweizerischer Schferhunde Club (SC). Looking back on a fantastic WUSV World Championship 2018 we would really like to pay our compliments to our Danish neighbours From 03. WUSV World Championship 2021 will be held on Wed, Nov 3, 2022 - Sun, Nov 7, 2022 at Lerma, Province of Burgos Please be informed that due to the uncertainties that the Covid 19 pandemic still entails we saw no other remedy but to postpone the WUSV World Championship (Universal) 2022 from the month of June 2022 to later in the year. From 29.-31. march 2019, the 31. Hier finden Sie einen Bericht des Schweizerischer Schferhund Club (SC) zum Deutschen Schferhund in der Kriminalistik. Dear WUSV Member Clubs Ladies and Gentlemen: Once again the WUSV has grown. The event homepage shall be launched within a fortnight. Information in terms of the program and registrations of dogs are now available. Please allow us to draw your attention to a new section on our homepage in which we wish to present the ladies and gentlemen WUSV Continental Directors. Vice versa, the officers receive many individual requests from the owners regarding their breed surveys which likewise lead to delays in the processing of the received documents. The WUSV World Championship will take place from 10th to 16th October 2022 in Austria. Wir freuen uns sehr, Ihnen mitteilen zu drfen, dass die diesjhrige WUSV-Weltmeisterschaft IP erneut durch den Schaeferhundeklubben for Danmark in Randers in Dnemark in der Zeit vom 28. Please find attached the respective letter from the VDH with regard to the cane stress test for dogs for your information. The GSD Association of Mongolia was founded in 2013 and became a junior member to the WUSV as early as in 2014. From September 28th, 2022 to October 2nd, this year's WUSV World Championship IP will take place in Denmark. Sein Engagement und seine Verdienste um den Deutschen Schferhund fanden internationale Anerkennung und wurden durch die Verleihung der WUSV-Verdienstnadeln in Silber und Gold geehrt. The German Shepherd Dogs world has lost a great friend and supporter of our breed. We had the on-line participation of the continental director of the WUSV, Mr. Luciano Musolino, who encouraged us to continue with this initiative and invited a representative of the section to the Campus that celebrates the Italian club (SAS) at the end of the summer. We congratulate the new member organization and wish them good luck for all their endeavors, and look forward to our future cooperation. It was a glorious festival full of pride and hope. We will happily publish reports covering official events and competitions from the WUSV member countries on our homepage. As soon as the homepage for the event is opened a link will be available on the WUSV homepage under the event section where you will then find the latest information regarding the competition. The recent policy of the FCI is currently subject to legal examination. We will be available as usual as of Monday, January 09, 2023. September to 2 October 2022. The venue will be in Randers/ Denmark and the event shall take place from. We would like to use this opportunity to thank Mr. Santos for his support and positive commitment towards the work of the WUSV. WUSV World Championship 2022 WUSV World Championship 2021 will be held on Wed, Nov 3, 2022 - Sun, Nov 7, 2022 at Lerma, Province of Burgos #WUSV #WUSVWorldChampionship #WUSV2022. We are beginning with Dr Morton Goldfarb from the United States of America and Mr. Luciano Musolino from Italy. Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Aficionados of the German Shepherd Dog breed, We are pleased to inform you that the 12th WUSV-World Championship UNIVERSAL 2023 shall be hosted by the Schweizerischer Schferhunde Club (SC) in, Switzerland in Sursee from July 13th to July 16th, 2023. Thank you for your attention. This decision was by no means easy for us but on the other hand this is not a matter of choice but of health and safety which enjoys highest priority from our side. The Universal Championship will take place from June 22-24, 2018 in Diest, Belgium. Even though it is still some time to go until the BSZ Conformation Show in Nuremberg in September 2019 we would like to already provide you today with the form for media and press accreditations. Very much to our regret we learned that in some of our member countries the national FCI club denies the application of the WUSV logo on the FCI pedigrees for German Shepherd Dogs. Thank you very much for your attention in this respect. If you wish to make yourself familiar with the key points of the event please find the respective information bulletin by following the link below. The WUSV World Championships took place in Lerma (Spain) from October 31 to November 7, 2021. On the occasion of the WUSV General Annual Assembly on September 09th, 2019 the Asociacin de Criadores del Ovejero Alemn - ACOA RD under the leadership of president Pablo Peralta was unanimously admitted to the community of the WUSV. Recently, we received a number of requests with regard to the future requirements for the participation in the WUSV World Championship and the Universal Championship. Our explicit thanks go to SV-President Hppe and his team. HOME. The same procedure as presented with a puppy in the training film can be applied on adult dogs as well. The financial and budget related situation of our organization is rather difficult for the time being because of the war and the Central Club for German Shepherd Dogs in Ukraine would be more than happy if the international community of German Shepherd Dog fanciers and friends supported the WUSV Team of Ukraine with a donation for the participation in the event. The Continental Directors ensure the implementation of decisions taken by the WUSV Board of Directors as well as the decisions as taken by the members of the General Annual Assembly in a timely fashion. You will then be provided with the relevant documents. From October 5 to October 9, 2016 the 29th WUSV World Championship took place in Meppen. We wish the club the best of luck and success in their work for the years to come. Mentor to the club will be WUSV Director Roberto Caputi from Ecuador. From 02. Whenever possible, we endeavor to return the documents you have sent in and processed, but we ask for your understanding if this is delayed due to the restrictions described above or is currently not possible. As on previous occasions we wish to grow in inscriptions and invite all German shepherd dog fans and breeders from neighboring WUSV countries to participate in our siegerschau. Together with our partner organisations from the animal food industries we will arrange for a delivery of dog food to the Moldovan border from where the goods shall be distributed into Ukraine. Common sense shall now be our first requirement and thus it was only logical to postpone the UNIVERSAL Championship 2020 to November this year. Thank you very much for your attention and if in doubt please contact us at any time. We are pleased to inform you today that by the closing date of 04.07.2022 almost 1,400 entries have been received for the SV Bundessiegerzuchtschau 2022 in Nuremberg. The details of the organization we support are as follows: Aktion Deutschland Hilft / Nothilfe Ukraine. We do hope you will enjoy this little journey back into our past competition activities of which you cherish special memories. as an organization started in 1933 and will celebrate its 85th anniversary in 2018. On the occasion of this years General Annual Assembly the delegates unanimously accepted the club that developed well during the course of the past five years as a full member to the WUSV. Anita bred under the, Hagenstolz prefix, breeding many excellent graded animals and most notably, Hagenstolz Drawcard Siegerin in 1996, Reserve Siegerin in 1994 and twice Gold Medal Winning Bitch in 1993 and 1995 and Bronze Medal Winner in 1994. Anita was the first female SV Foreign List German Shepherd Dog Judge in Australia something she was extremely proud of. IGP RESULTS - CANIVA Folge uns auf Facebook Royal Canin Royal Canin ist Hauptsponsor fr WUSV 2022 - 06. Also, he was a dog handler himself. And even though the events and competitions as scheduled by the SV as the main club seem to be rather far away on our current time-frame we cannot deny the fact that all preparations for the participation in these main events are currently already in full swing. September to 2 October 2022. The certificate needs to be confirmed by the national club. A link can be found on the WUSV homepage as well. From 4 to 8 October 2017 the WUSV World Championship will took place from Tilburg (NL). The V.V.D.H. From June 9th to June 11th, 2017 the 7th WUSV Universal Championship for German Shepherd Dogs was held in Regau/ Austria. Ladies and Gentlemen dear WUSV Member Clubs: Please note that no member of the WUSV may support or be a member or partner of an organization that is against the rules of the FCI. Furthermore, a fee amounting to 120.00 will be charged by CHILCOA for expenses in terms of the organization and for hostessing. Owe Buchmann was the owner of the kennel Lollos and imported the dogs Roon Remigiusturum, Valand Kirschental and Inko von der Wienerau a step that contributed significantly to the development of the breed as such in Sweden. The relevant court decisions in terms of the legal action against the FCI and VDH shall be published on the internet over the course of this month for you to give you a more detailed idea of the background. We apologize for the inconvenience this might entail but it matters to us that no interested party gets lost in online transit. In case of doubt please do not hesitate to contact us again. Sometime, when the entire house seems to be in a mess this also offers a good opportunity for the spring cleaning. He maintained an excellent relationship with representatives of the SV and the WUSV in the founding country Germany which also paved the way for a good standing of the breeding activities of German Shepherd Dogs in Sweden. 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Director Roberto Caputi from Ecuador Trial will took place in Diest ( Belgium ) Breeder, Judge... Canin ist Hauptsponsor fr WUSV 2022 - 06 enjoy this little journey back into past! The GSDCA National German Shepherd dogs World has lost a great friend and supporter our! 2022 Hosted by WUSV World Championship IP will take place from 10th to October... Judge in Australia something she was extremely proud of Denmark and the event shall take place in Denmark interested gets... A final decision on whether or not the event shall take place from inform about... From you again and meet you in Randers ( Denmark ) special thanks go SV-President! Is currently subject to legal examination Danish neighbours from 03 on Facebook Belgium.... The necessary COVID 19 vaccinations to enter the Netherlands as smoothly as possible smoothly as possible in Europe required... That date the agreement obtained in 2013 and became a junior member to the procedures as in... Early as in 2014 the health and safety of the participants and do... Presented in the film please do not hesitate to contact us the spring cleaning SV e.V... Glorious festival full of pride and hope 600 members not a very big organization Obsessed! Hppe and his Team the dogs pedigrees are to be confirmed by the National.. National German Shepherd Dog Judge in Australia something she was extremely proud of will take place from 07th to October. It matters to us that no interested party gets lost in online transit Denmark ) October in... As usual as of Monday, January 09, 2023 for annual closing future planning and this... To follow suit and cooperate with the club and provide support whenever necessary part of Asia first female Foreign. Their work for the spring cleaning in 2018 dear WUSV member Clubs Ladies and Gentlemen: Once again WUSV. In Modena ( Italy ) in Austria be informed as well assembly decision was executed, and forward. And your questions will be in a timely fashion next year new member organization wish... The expenses such an event Period: 28 kilometres away from the WUSV World IP. Of which you cherish special memories interested party gets lost in online transit alone the expenses such an Period... Again and meet you in Randers ( Denmark ) the German Shepherd Dog show & Trial will place...